Saturday, 18 October 2014

Oh me oh my, look what the cat dragged in...

Well, hello there!  It's been a long time and I shan't bore you with what I (haven;t) been up to but I am back!  I just wanted to pop on tonight and tell you I'm back, to share some new things that are coming your way and then explain a wee bit about why I'm back.

First up... coming soon:

And my parting shot, five reasons I'm back:

  • I need something to aim for each day.  Being unemployed is getting me down and I need some structure in my life.
  • My typing has gone to shit lately, that needs to change!
  • I have words to say and things to share, I miss writing.
  • I have garden news to share, which will hopefully add a whole new area to Not Just Fuel.
  • I've been going to a photography night class and food photography is one of the topics, may a well use what I learn!
So there we are.  Not Just Fuel is a thing again and I am jolly happy about it.  Let's do this thing.  

P.S. Seasonal comfort food starts this week, with apple crumble, macaroni cheese and Christian Winter Festive Event (Christmas) Cake. Yes, it is that time of year already!