This is an idea that I 'obtained' from one of my school friends via Facebook lateley - on the notion of Facebook there is now a Not Just Fuel community page, want to come join in? Please do!
The idea that Katrina had was to share ideas on what to do with the things that we all end up with at the end of the week or that just pile up and your not quite sure what to do with before they go off.
We start with a good one... Bananas.
So there we are, five banana ideas! It just so happens that one of the ladies I watch on YouTube shared a face mask recipe featuring... bananas! Give it a watch and try not to think 'that would be really nice with graola for breakfast' like I did... oops!
now, forgive me. I wrote this yesterday and forgot to publish it, I just came back today to add Tati's video!
Face mask is a really good idea, I will definitely be doing this! I used up some of my leftover slightly-past-best bananas this week by adding them into a curry. Josh likes things spicy but I am a bit of a wuss and a bit of banana takes the heat away nicely. I'm sure I had a curry with banana in an Indian restaurant when I was younger but I've never seen it again! Very tasty though.