Saturday, 1 February 2014

Cupboard Soup

I don't know if it's the way I was brought up, or the fact I'm from a farming family, or if it's just a thing that happens to some people but I bloody love soup.  There is something so comforting about it and it can be an amazingly quick thing to make happen - yet it's still so rewarding!  I know opening a carton, a tin or a packet is for sure quicker but it's nowhere near as good, as healthy or as filling.  

This soup is based on a Hugh recipe, but I have put my own spin on it to use up what I had that needed using.  I intend to make many many variations of this in the future so I shall keep you updated on what works and what isn't so amazing....

This soup is cannellini beans, pearl barley, carrot, peas, chicken and chicken stock and it could not be simpler to make.

For two people as a main lunch course, or four as a side.

400g tin of cannellini beans,
50g pearl barley,
one large carrot,
chicken stock,
100g peas
a handful of kale (hard stalks cut out), and,
a few bits of left over roast chicken.

Bring the stock (around a pint) to the boil and add the barley.  Leave this to simmer till the barley is softened - this took about 20 minutes.  In this time cut up your carrot, roughly shred your kale, chop up your chicken and drain your beans.  Then have a sit down and relax (or get the rest of the lunch ready!).  Add the carrot, beans and peas to the barley and stock - let this to simmer again for 5 or so minutes till the carrot is softened and the beans are hot.  Add the kale and the chicken, let them warm and wilt.  Season liberally with pepper and a little salt and serve immediately.  

Brian enjoyed this so much that he didn't believe that it had kale in it (he's a kale hater) so I will for sure be using kale up in this way in the future.  It was very tasty and there is enough left over for my lunch another day too.  Excellent!  I think this would be a lovely thing to serve at a lunch this time of year (it's snowing here in Monifieth today, excellent, thanks weather man!), it's hearty, quick and it looks so fresh!  We ate far to many black olive crackers with this today and the salty taste of them went with the beans beautifully so crackers are highly recommended (the ones we are a bit addicted to are from Marks and Spencer's - thanks Mum!) no butter or cheese needed... but I wouldn't say no  if you offered.  

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