Haggis is still on offer in the shops up here in Scotland so it's still fair game to eat far too much of it in my book! Haggis is a funny beast that lots of folk don't like because they've only ever eaten it with horrid mash and wet turnip, and then there are the folk who just don't like the idea of it. I am not one of them - I love the stuff.
Shortbread is not hard to make, I promise. It doesn't have to be hard anyway. This is one of those things that my Gran Betty can just make happen like magic and my Mum has he same skill. Maybe one day I'll get there, but I promise it's not hard! I also think this is the only recipie that I have committed to momory in ounces as it's so easy to remember!
2oz (55g) room temperature butter
4oz (125g) butter
6oz (180g) plain flour
And the rest is pretty easy too!
Preheat the oven to 190 deg C and beat the butter and sugar toegther till smooth. Make sure it's really smooth, no short cuts here! Stir in the flour little by little and you will end up with a smooth paste. Roll out on a floured board till it's about 1cm thick. Now shape it however you want to! Cut it into fingers, cut it into shapes with a cutter, keep it whole in a round and press it with a shortbread brand... use your imagination! Bake it in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes (if you do a round it will need more time). When it is baked and golden brown remove from the oven, place on a cooking rack and dust with castor sugar immediately. Leave till it's cook and enjoy. Or share. But mainly enjoy.
And there we are, better late than never! Yeah? I promise the next Celebration will be up in time for planning (as I'm away to write it very soon indeed!).
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