We love fajitas in this house and I think most people do. They are an easy thing to make the conventional way, but when I find a new recipe for a thing I love I can't help but try it! I saw this on Pinterest (I'm obsessed I know...) so yesterday afternoon I cracked open the slow cooker and filled it full of deliciousness.
This is so easy to do and has become my default meal because I always have what is needed in the cupboards! It's great for days that I have to be out and about and I know I will be knackered when I get home (like the three medical appointments in one day Wednesdays that have happened in the last few weeks!) - I put this together before I go out and then when we come home it's ready to go!
You will need:
veggies - what ever you fancy! You've got to have onions, and other than that I recommend bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and chilli.
A quarter cup of fajita seasoning, make your own or use a shop bought version.
A cup of water (a little less if you add mushrooms)
A chicken breast per person.
And that's all. Chop up the veg and put it in the slow cooker, then mix the water and seasoning together, pour this over the veggies and then put the chicken on top. Putting it on top lets it steam more than cook in the water and it goes so wonderfully tender and shreddable. Put it on high and leave it for three hours, if you need to leave it for longer feel free to put it on for the three hours and then turn it to low and leave it for as long as is needed. After this time take two forks and shred the chicken, mix it all up and remove the excess water to serve. Meanwhile you need salsa, cheese, cream cheese, salad to serve and wraps to wrap it all up in! Easy!

I know it's not the most appetising photo, but it tastes so good! I have served this up to my husband, my parents and then used the left overs on bagels for lunch! Delicious.